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The Smart Miner Efficient Data Mining Software

It is a web application which will provide the facility to implement the different Data Mining algorithms to its user. The algorithms include “1R”, “Mean Imputation”, “Hot Deck Imputation” and “Binning”.

Understanding and learning of these algorithms is mandatory.

Helping/Supporting PPT File
Supporting PPT file can be downloaded from:


1. There is only one user of this software.

2. The user will enter the data set in the software on which the Data Mining algorithms will be performed. The software should handle any data set (small, big).

3. The software should give the option to classify the data with the help of 1R algorithm.

4. The software should give the option to deal with missing values.
a. In this process two algorithms will be used:
i. Mean imputation
ii. Hot deck imputation

5. The software should give the option to deal with the noisy data. For this purpose “Binning algorithm” will be used.

Development environment: